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Q:  How much does it cost to join the site?

A: It is free for Service Seekers to post Service Requests and receive bids.  It's free for Service Providers to join, create a company profile where they can advertise their business, receive Private Service Requests and to search all Service Requests on eServiceQuote.  If Service Providers wish to bid on Service Requests then it costs $25 a month and they can cancel anytime.


Q:  Why should I use

A:  For Service Seekers, will help you document all you need completed for the Service Request.  It asks and helps answer the questions you might not know you need to answer.  It also allows you to go about your day instead of waiting for Service Providers to show up to your location or drive all over town and prevents from the Service Providers from asking you the same questions over and over.

A:  For Service Providers, will help you get qualified leads, document their needs and keep you from driving all over town for requests on which you may or may not want to bid.  You can provide bids from the comfort of your office or home or anywhere you have a computer or connect device.


Q:  What if no one bids on my Service Request?

A:  If no one bids on your request you can still call or email any Service Provider you want, have them join the site and provide them with the Service Request ID.  Since you have taken the time to document the process, you might as well keep the process online to make it easier for you.  At the top of most pages you will see a link titled “Invite Colleagues/Friends to Join eServiceQuote”.  Just click this, enter the email address of the Service Provider you want to join and send them the Service Request ID on which you want them to bid.  If still no one bids on your Service Request then it will expire 30 days past when you state you need to service completed.


Q:  What if I do not know the answers to the questions the site asks?

A:  Answer them to the best of your ability and at the end of the Service Request Creation process you can communicate any questions or comments you would like to note to the Service Providers reviewing the request.  If communication with a Service Provider helps answer one of these questions you can always go back and edit the Service Request.


Q:  Are your Service Providers vetted and approved?

A:  At we do not vet, approve, screen or otherwise review the Service Providers on this site.  We want to have the most options for our Service Seekers to choose.  They can read reviews, compare pricing and make their own informed decision from the all that is available.  If there is a Service Provider you like and use, have them join the site and leave them a review.  This can land them more business and help other Service Seekers find a good Service Provider.


Q:  What if someone posts offensive materials on eServiceQuote?

A:  We strive to maintain a site that is free of offensive material.  We have created options for users to report abuse when they see.  eServiceQuote may choose to remove the material if we deem necessary.   


Q:  Can anyone see my personal data like my name or where I live?

A:  The goal of the eServiceQuote is to keep confidential information private until you are ready to release it.  For Public Service Requests, Service Providers can only see the City, State and Zip Code of where you need the service completed and the public user name you have selected to use.  Once you hire a Service Provider then then can see your service location, your name and your contact information.  For Private Service Requests, the Service Providers tagged to the Service Request can see you location, your name and your contact information.  Since you probably know these Service Providers we want to provide them with the necessary information so they pay your Service Request the correct level of service.


Q:  Does eServiceQuote guarantee the work, quality or anything else related to the service a Service Provider provides ?

A:  No, we do not guarantee anything.  We are simply a conduit to connect members of our community.  What the Service Seeker and Service Provider agree or what contracts they sign or emails exchanged are completely up to you.  eServiceQuote can help control the online interaction but that is it.  We have functionality planned for the future to assist with this so please stay tuned and we appreciate any input you have.