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Glossary of Terms

Service Request (SR) - A form a Service Seeker completes and on which a service Provider would bid.  This is the capture of the need of the Service Seeker.  This covers what they need completed, when they need it completed, their budget and other pertinent details necessary for the Service Provider to be able to provide an accurate bid.

Service Provider(SP) - A user that performs Services.  This could be someone that baby sits, provides music lessons, completes bathroom remodels or any other service covered by eServiceQuote.

Service Seeker (SS) - A user that requires a Service to be performed.  This could be someone looking for a babysitter, music lessons, a bathroom remodel or any other service covered by eServiceQuote.

Private Service Request - A Service Request visible to all users on the site but can only be bid on by Service Providers that are tagged to the Service Request.

Public Service Request - A Service Request visible to all users on the site and can be bid on by all Service Providers.

Materials - Items considered necessary to complete your service request.  These might include Shampoo if you are getting a haircut, Food if you need someone to take care of your pet, Lumber and nails if you are having a new deck constructed.

Category - A logical grouping Services to help organize Service Providers and Service Requests.  Examples include Home Renovation, Pet Services, Restaurants and many more.

Service - A sub-grouping of Category to help further organize Service Requests.  Examples include Bathroom Remodel under the Home Renovation Category or Boarding under the Pet Service Category.

Sub-Service - The actual item or items describing a users need or area of specialty.  Examples include Vanity that would be located under Bathroom Remodel Service.  Selecting a Sub-Service drives the questions and answers available, materials and other items related to a Service Request.