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How It Works

An online community connecting Service Seekers with Service Providers

eServiceQuote is a website that enables people who are seeking services (Service Seekers), such as house cleaning, dog walking, or photography, to connect with qualified Service Providers in their local area. It’s more than just a gig-matching site though.  Service Seekers are able to create a detailed service request and eServiceQuote facilitates anonymous communication with prospective Service Providers.  Service Seekers can receive an unlimited number of bids and Service Providers can bid on an unlimited amount of Service Requests.

Service Providers complete an online profile that includes images, certifications, location listings, a sales pitch, customer reviews and other related information.  Based on their profile, Service Providers are automatically connected to Service Requests or they can search the site for other listings for free.  In order to bid on Service Requests, the Service Provider subscribes on a month-by-month basis which entitles the Service Provider to make an unlimited number bids on an unlimited number of Services Requests.  You can cancel the subscription at any point in time and reinstate when you want.  When the subscription is inactive your profile still is.  Service Seekers can still contact you, read your reviews and learn more about your company all at no cost to you.

Please be professional to one another because once you bid on a Service Request both the Service Seeker and the Service Professional are able to leave a review for one another.  Additionally, once the Service is complete an additional review can be submitted.  All this is to help build a more complete view of our community. 

Here is how the process works.

Service Seeker (people looking to have a service performed)

1.  Login (or Join) eServiceQuote

2.  Create a profile (this helps with creating a Service Request)

3.  Create a Service Request

4.  Review bids on the Service Request from Service Providers

5.  Hire Service Provider

6.  Leave reviews for Service Providers that bid on your Service Request (if you like)

7.  Once Service Request is complete, leave a final review for the Service Provider that helped you complete your need

Service Provider (people looking to perform a service)

1.  Login (or Join) eServiceQuote

2.  Create a profile (this is the only way Service Requests will automatically be routed to you)

3.  Review Service Requests of interest

4.  Bid on Service Request

5.  Get hired