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Why eServiceQuote is a convenient, accurate and efficient way for Service Seekers to obtain bids on all types of needs and for Service Providers to bid on multiple needs at their convenience, while saving time, money and energy. is the perfect community for Service Seekers and Service Providers to do business and build relationships.

Service Seekers - are you tired of spending time, energy, money and heartache looking for the right Service Provider?  Are you frustrated waiting at home for a Service Provider to give you a bid and they never show up, are late or never provide a bid because the job is too large or too small? Do you dread driving all over town looking for a Service Provider that is closed or cannot accommodate you in their schedule?

Service Providers - are you tired of spending time, energy, money and heartache driving all over town looking a jobs that are too large or too small?  Are you frustrated receiving phone calls while you are on a job from people that are just price shopping or never call back to hire you and it takes you twice as long to complete the job you are currently working?  Do you have extra tables free one night or have extra time in your schedule but you have no way to lower an existing bid or no way to reach customers quickly?

eServiceQuote is designed to help you with all this and hopefully more. 

Service Seekers

1.  Create Service Requests for any of your needs.  If you have a need and we do not have a Service then let us know and we can accommodate it.  Even if you are just price shopping, there are Service Providers that will provide you with a bid.

2.  If you already have a Service Provider you always use then have them join the site.  You can create a Service Request and tag them to it so they can see exactly what you need and can provide you a quote when they have time in the day and are not busy.

3.  Search the Rate and Review area to learn about all our Service Providers.  You can review their sales pitch, find one that accepts your desired form of payment and spoken language.  You can view past work and previous reviews.  If you have a Service Provider you like you can learn more about other Service Providers they recommend. 

Service Providers

1.  After you create a Profile, Services Requests will start to appear in your Dashboard.  You also have the ability to search for other Service Requests that do not match your profile.  Perhaps you are a plumber but have extra time in your schedule and you want to paint a house or want to build furniture.  Simply search the site for these Service Requests and provide your bid.  Additionally, you are moving in 3 months or want to work in another part of the country for a few months, search the site for Service Requests in those locations and provide your bid.  When you arrive in that location you can already have work waiting on you.

2.  Do you want a way to advertise your business and create a website but do not want the expense?  Use our profile area to show pictures of your work and advertise your business.  It’s a great way for potential customers to see what you have to offer.  All this is currently free.

3.  If you are busy now you can still join the site and wait until your schedule frees up.  Service Seekers will often look for bids on work that is often out in the future.  You can see this schedule and bid on a need that fits your openings.

4.  Don’t' want to pay?  You can search for Service Requests for free.  You never have to pay until you want to bid.  You can determine if the need is right for you before you ever pay.  Also, once you do pay you can bid on every single Service Request on the site for the payment you've already made.  Cancel anytime and reinstate your payment anytime.  It's up to you and your profile will always be available and visible to the public until you decide to take it offline.

5.  Do you have existing customers and worry that if sending them to the site you risk losing them to another Service Provider with a lower bid?  Have them create a Private Service Request and tag you to it or have them create a Private Service Request directly from your Rate and Review page.  Only you can bid on it.

6.  Are you busy throughout the day and do not have time to take phone calls for new work but cannot afford not to answer the phone and risk losing a new gig.  Answer the phone and have them create a Private Service Request through your Rate and Review page.  You can learn exactly what they need and you can get back to making money.